jueves, 16 de enero de 2020

Summer Plans ( Post 5 A)

Hello everyone, now I will write about my summer plans. First intend I will travel to Concepcion to my house, to be enjoying my family for a few days, I want to stay until the end of January. In the febrary I inted to travel with some friends to Valdivia, and stay all month, visiting place of Valdivia as Niebla, Curiñanco and its nature reserv, ofcourse walk for the streeths of Valdivia .
Together with my friends in addition to touring places, we also want to play music to get money, meet people, visit some friends from the south, go to parties, and obviously drink craft beer, in Valdivia it is very delicious.
In March I will return to my house in conception, to be with my family, I will study my instrument as I do regularly, although during the trip I pretend to be playing so as not to lose the practice
In conception there are also places to visit, for example near my house is the peninsula of Hualpen, where the bio-bio river flows, it is beautiful, in that place there are native species such as the chagual butterfly.In addition to the mouth, there are many nearby beaches, such as Caleta Chome, Caleta Lenga, quite touristy places, there is another beach that is reached by treking, called Ramuntcho is very beautiful. I recommend one hundred percent of these places, I will visit them.
Thank you for reading my publication, I leave you invited to the conception in case you want to know the city and its surroundings, I can help you as a tourist guide.

Resultado de imagen para reserva curiñanco  Resultado de imagen para desembocadura hualpen
Curiñanco ( Valdivia)                                       Desembocadura (Peninsula de Hualpen)

My favorite serie (post 4 A)

Hello everyone, today I will talk about my favorite series. Since I was little I liked to watch anime on television, I didn't have cable TV, so I only watched national channels. In the Chilevisión channel there was a program called club of the tigritos, where they transmitted many anime, Connan, Slum dunk, Digimon, Pokemon, Full Metal alchemist, Hunter Hunter etc. One of the anime they broadcast was Dragon Ball Z my favorite anime until today. I like Dragon Ball Z because first, as I said before since I was little, I saw it, second because it has a greater content than just battles and confrontations, and that is why I like it so much.
I like the different types of series, anime, action series, suspense, real situations in society, in general that have a content to think about, for example: slow down, black mirror, sense 8, they are series that really give you They leave teachings and make you believe.
Mr robot is a series that I would like to see, I have heard a lot about that series and it catches my attention a lot.  Another series that has spoken to me a lot is stranger things, many friends have recommended it to me, I intend on vacation to watch those series. Another series that has talked to me a lot is weirder things, many friends have recommended it to me, I intend to watch these series on vacation, in addition to watching some anime that are coming out, I strongly recommend nanatsu no taizai.
Thanks, see you!

Resultado de imagen para dragon ball z guerreros z  Resultado de imagen para goku ultra instinto dominado

martes, 14 de enero de 2020

My proposals (Post 3A)

Hello today I will write about some proposals for changes, which could be introduced in the program of studies in musical interpretation.
First I would change the distribution of subject in the basic stage of the race. In the case of musical interpretation of woodwinds, there are four years, in which you only have three asignature throughout the cycle, that should change and add one more subject before moving on to the upper stage, in my opinion I would add the two last years of the basic stage.
 The second, I would add a branch in the curriculum, focused on the physiology of the human body, because I think it is necessary to teach the functioning of the body in pursuit of the postures that each instrumentalist has, it would be very good since it would avoid body aches and diseases like tendinitis
The third, would be an infrastructure arrangement, our faculty is very old and many parts of the building would have to be improved, there are also many spaces that are not occupied as a back homeland that exists, which could be used as a patio or could build study rooms.
And finally I would add the professional practice for the interpreters, that the university will perform concerts, auditions for the students that are in the upper cycle, that all the students present themselves once a month and this is considered as practice to obtain the title.
These would be some proposals that I could mention, the truth is there are many things to change but with these four points some change would be made.

jueves, 9 de enero de 2020

MY Best HOLIDAY (Post 2 A)

Hello everyone, today I will write about my best holiday. In january 2018 I traveled with my brother and three friends to Valdivia in southern chile. We were for two months backpacking, touring places meeting people and playing music.
We stayed in two parts, fisrt where a friend, who lived near the center of the city. He is owner the bar called caballo cojo, is an exelent place, they sold delicious craf beer, the best beers I have had . On the bar came many people of all kinds , with whom we shared  a lot, it was very interesting and fun.  During the day we were going to play music on the streets or restaurants, to keep us, and get money ,after that we  we dedicated, ourseleves to enjoying Valdivia.  The second part we stayed in Curiñanco was a distant place in the city, there lived a friend of mine, the place was beautiful was on a cliff, which had access to a giant beach. In that place we enjoyed nature and we lived with some people who were also backpacking .Near there there is a beautiful national reserve, with many native species, visiting that place is wonderful to go.
 This is one of my best trips and one of the most significant, for all the things I learned and the amount of people I met. I intend to return again.
Thanks and see you..

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martes, 7 de enero de 2020


Hello everyone today I will write about the country I would like to visit. This country has a great culture, it is known for having emblematic and beautiful places to know, and in addition to all this, what matters most to me is art, and its musical teaching. I speak of France.

What I would most like to do in France would be to study music at the Paris Conservatory, since it is one of the most prominent worldwide, I would like to be able to specialize much more in my instrument and music, work in an orchestra, and grow as a artist. Obviously, I would take advantage of touring the country, and visiting historical places such as: Eifel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Louvre Museum, Arc de Triomphe, Nice Opera etc.

I wait for some moment of my life, to travel to France and to do what I want, in the meantime continue to focus on studying and believing as a person and artist.
 And where would you go?
see you...

Imagen relacionada   Resultado de imagen para torre eiffel

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019

A great trip

Hello, today I will tell you about my last vacation.
These were in January 2018, we went with my brother and a group of friends. Our destination was southern Chile, Valdivia. It was a great experience, we toured the city and its surroundings, and met many people with great energy.
We stayed in different places, first it was where a friend, owner of a bar, was fantastic because we had the opportunity to drink craft beer every day, and the people who worked at the bar were very friendly. Then we moved to another friend, he lived far from the Valdivian city, a place called Curiñanco, it was a beautiful place, near the sea, my friend's house was on a cliff with a very beautiful view, the best thing was that there was Descent To a giant beach. At the end of our trip we returned to our friend's bar for a few days to say goodbye, the truth was a fantastic trip.
Throughout the trip we were playing music to earn money and, for pleasure, we met many artists with whom we shared our art.
It was a great trip, there are many anecdotes left that can't be told haha.

Resultado de imagen para curiñanco valdivia

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2019

The country I would like to visit

I like to travel, to know places, people, the different customs etc. and one of the countries that catches my attention to know is Iceland, the first reason is because I knew about this country from a group that belongs from there, Sigur ros, I listened to this group a lot, and in a video I found, they gave a concert in his country, in the open air, the place was beautiful, this caught my attention a lot, I inquired about the country and found that there were many beautiful places to visit, besides it also has mythological stories. One of the places in the country that I would like to visit is the Snaefellsnes peninsula, and Reykjavik to see a northern lights that as a child has been my dream to see, as well as visiting some glaciers.
It is free to dream hahaha, it is expensive to travel there, but one day I intend to go, if I get to visit Europe, which is within my plans, to visit Iceland.

Resultado de imagen para REYKJAVIK     Resultado de imagen para snaefellsnes
Reykjavik                                                                Snaefellsnes